To the Evangelical of the land:
For years in one manner of speech or another I have listened to people give their answer to the question of why righteousness is loosing ground in America today, and why more and more of whatever is called “Christian” is increasingly being persecuted, despised and rejected. How is it that this nation who's coinage boasts, “In God we Trust”, can increasingly, in one point after another deny the laws of that God, even though approximately one half of it's populace claim to be born again evangelicals? When I ask this question of people, most always the answer that is given although perhaps expressed in different words is, “It's because it's the last days”. And in saying this the people are endeavoring to communicate that things are suppose to be that way, for according to their understanding and acceptance of the Bible, righteousness is suppose to give way to ungodliness in the last days.
I am in full agreement that the kingdom of darkness will continue to grow in intensity until such time it shows itself to be the epitome of confusion and wickedness, and that this gross darkness will permeate many. This will happen, (even now is happening) it is forecasted by the Holy Scriptures and it will surely come to pass. However, at the same time it is forecasted that the Kingdom Of Light will develop into the completeness God has intended for it to be in the earth. The best way I know to illustrate this is to imagine the peace, order and righteousness that will be the every day norm in the age which is next to come (the millennium age, where Christ will reign in person here on earth) and know that the church must grow up into the fullness of this character in this present age, before entering that next age. Even as a child has to be first fully developed in the womb before it can be born. In like manner the Kingdom of God has to be fully developed in this age before the new age (millennium age) is birthed.
So, back to the original question: Why is righteousness loosing ground in America in this generation? It is the last days, that is for sure, but that is not why righteousness is loosing ground in America. No, it is not! I will give you the answer. It is because the chemistry of the righteousness of the acts of the American Church (Believers) by in large is not pure and powerful enough to hold back sin. You might say it this way, ““our powder is not dry”, therefore when it is ignited it does not have the power to destroy sin that it is supposed to have.” Jesus said it this way, but it means the very same thing. (Matthew 5:13 KJV) Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
We, the evangelical of the land, we that say we love the Bible and the God of the Bible have lost our saltiness. We do not fully love and obey God's laws, and the testimony of righteousness that the Scripture proclaims. There is a very sincere spirit of confusion and spiritual apathy that grips us, thus allowing for great and many blind spots in our understanding and the practice of righteousness. We have surrendered ourselves to many forms of confusion and sin. A brief description of this is that in the mid to later 1800's, we who were once a very strong Bible based society with the advent of the multiplication of modern technical knowledge began to throw off the wisdom of the Scripture, taking in it's place the doctrines and practices of humanism. (where man is supreme in wisdom and power) This needing an answer to what our origins brought forth the doctrine and practice of evolution. Which birthed the spirits of socialism and feminism, which are twin sisters. In fact, they are Siamese twins, for they are joined at the hip. The one spirit, that of socialism, works in the realm of government. It works there seeking to promote the ideology that man is the servant of government, and not government the servant to men who have both created it and maintain it. The other spirit, that of feminism is at work in the male-female relationship. (particularly in the marriage relationship, but not by any means exclusively) It seeks to corrupt both the true nature and calling of manhood and womanhood by promoting the woman to usurp the place and calling of the man and the man to resign his place and calling to the woman. Thus you end up in both society at large and in the family unit a corruption of manhood and womanhood. These spirits have introduced what is called liberalism, the which has filled America with what seems like unending confusion and vices. So we have modern America, where 40 million plus babies have been murdered by means of abortion. Where a search engine can boast 1,000,000 pornography sites, where our jails are filled beyond capacity, where many pay 50% taxes, where 8 out of 10 teenagers boasts sex out side of marriage, where 50% of our people will never marry, but “cohabitate”, where nearly 70% of those that do marry will divorce, where homosexuality becomes the law of the land, where the promotion of the name and law of God are exulted from public life and institutions, etc, etc.

We, the evangelical of the land that say we love the Bible and the God of the Bible cry to God to bring forth righteousness and stop the flood of iniquity that has been spreading across our land. But little do most of us know that in many ways we promote the very wickedness that we say we hate. We do this by ( in our confusion) practicing in our own right many forms of of sin. It is no wonder that righteousness is loosing ground in America. For it is according to the saying of Isaiah, the ancient prophet who said these words. (Isaiah 59:1-2 KJV) Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it can not hear: but your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.
In one of my featured writings, WHO LEFT THE DOOR OPEN (which is available through our website) I show that in common practice and by civil law we as American people practice (participate in) 82 manners of life that stand contrary to God's laws. According to my perception, 48 of these are commonly practiced by nearly all that is called Christian in this land. This America, is why righteousness is loosing ground against liberalism in this generation. It is because we have been duped into confusion and apathy, and do not recognize sin for what it is. For the apostle John defined sin in 1 John 3:4: (KJV) Whosoever commiteth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. There are many ways where the practice of modern western theology and it's associated life style promotes the transgression of God's laws.
In conclusion I say this. It is the last days, but the reason we are loosing ground to the forces of unrighteousness is that our “powder is wet”. If the righteousness of our deeds could be illustrated as gun powder, when it is ignited it would only make a small poof, and not the mighty explosion that it is suppose to create. Is it because our sins keep God's power from working in and through us as He would have it to work, and sin can not be held back in our personal lives, nor in our public life without the working of God's power.

Jesus forecasted this situation in the parable of the ten virgins which is told in the book of Matthew chapter 25. He said in the last days that all ten of the virgins would “slumber and sleep”. This speaks of the general apathy and confusion that Jesus forecasted would grip the entirety of the Kingdom Of Light in the world at the last time. But the cry is being made to those that have ears to hear. This cry is that Christ is soon to return. Wake up. Shake yourself. Dress yourself with every manner of righteousness for the day of His return and judgment is very near. All things must now be brought to completion.
Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord. Let us lift up our hearts with our hands unto God in the heaven, and turn again to the Lord. Jesus, and His gospel, which brings forth true and enduring righteousness is alone the answer.
A Watchman,
Gregory DeHart
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