Why The Current Events Of Abortion, Homosexuality, 50% Taxes, and Other Vices Triumph In America --or-- American Church, Your Salt Is Not Salty
Hey America, and the Evangelical of the land:
How is it that in a nation that boasts that 40 to 50% of it's people to be “evangelical” (evangelical being defined as knowledgeable and obedient to the Bible) that in both our laws and institutions we are continually loosing ground in the moral and spiritual battlefield? So that a nation that was once referred to as “Christian” (God centered) is certainly now becoming a “secular” (man centered) nation. A nation where these words are expressed in it's pledge to it's flag, “one nation under God”, and on whose money it is printed, “In God We Trust”. A nation whose first successful colony, (the Pilgrims) because of their faith, considered themselves “a city set upon a hill”.1 A nation where in it's beginnings the faith of it's people was so based in the God of the Bible that at the time of the Revolutionary War the common slogan of the day was, “No king, save king Jesus!.”2 A nation where our first president, George Washington at his farewell address as president had these words to say, “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity religion and morality are indispensable supports....And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion...reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle”.3 A nation where our former president (Abraham Lincoln) so believed in our “Christian Republic”, that he referred to the preservation of America as...”a great promise to all the people of the world to all time to come;” and was willing to lead the nation into the most terrible civil war to preserve it. 4
In the most straight forward and simple terms I know, the moral digression of America can be described in these words.
The devil, using the advent of the modern multiplication of technical knowledge began to sow humanistic (man centered) thought into the hearts of men, thus sponsoring doubt in the God of the Bible, and with the doubt rebellion against the God of creation. Humanism needing an answer to the origins of man produced the deception of the doctrine of evolution. Evolutionism (the practice of the doctrine of evolution) begat twin sisters. These twin sisters are more then just related, they are Siamese twins, they are joined at the hip. They are the spirits (thought patterns- ideologies) of feminism and socialism. They are spirits of usurpation. Feminism being the corruption of Divine Order, where the woman seeks to usurp the place and the calling of the male head in her life, and males in general. Socialism being the corruption of civil order, where government seeks to usurp the sovereignty of the individual man, and as it does that the control over all men. The spirit of humanism, working through the pretense that there is no God, and through the encouragement of the spirits of feminism and socialism have sought to pull down the ideological moorings that American civilization was built upon, and have produce a generation where great confusion and lawlessness abounds. This my friend, is modern America.
ome broad examples of the sins that the progression of iniquity in modern western nations are:
- The flood of the filth of pornography. Where a search engine boasts it can produce 1,000,000 pornographic sites. (I saw this with my own eyes) Where is the legislation to suppressed it?
- Where the norm of television is continually vulgar, violent, and contrary to the fear of God.
- The “legalized” murder of over 40 million innocents through abortion.
- Same sex marriage “”legalized” in three states, and there are many other lesser advancements of this perversion being found in other states of the union.
- The divorce rate being 60 some percent for first time marriages, not to consider those that will marry multiple times.
- Approx. 50% of all American youth will not marry at all, but will “cohabitate”. (the back door is left open that way when one or both wishes to make their get-a-way)
- Many spending 50% of their income on taxes. Yes, when you add up local, state, and federal taxes, many pay 50% of their wages to taxes.
- The name or law of God ousted from every public place. Such as the example in Montgomery Alabama when the judge there could not keep a monument displaying the Ten Commandments in the court house lawn.
- Murder, theft and oppression being rampant on our streets.
If a nation was involved in a war and continually experienced defeats, would not that leadership (military and otherwise) consider what it is that they are doing wrong in order to correct it, and thus have victory? In like manner I will speak to those in America that hold to the faith of Jesus Christ, and that consider in your heart that you are a child of righteousness. I will endeavor in plain and very straightforward words to show you why the cause of righteousness in our nation is continually loosing ground, and why we will continue to loose ground against spiritual and moral wickedness in this nation until we change our ways. Why is it that righteousness among our people is not advancing, but rather decaying?

The answer to our dilemma, American Believers, is wrapped up in the wisdom of one single verse, a statement that Jesus voiced. This verse if found in Matthew chapter five, verse 13. (KJV) It is Jesus speaking to the children of faith. Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted: it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under the foot of men. Within the context of the wisdom of this single verse lies the answer to why the battle between good and evil is being lost in this nation. It is simply that the quality of the faith of Christianity in this nation is not what it is supposed to be. You might put it this way, “our salt is not salty!”. Why is our salt not salty? Our sins separate us from both God and His power, the which we need to work in our own lives, and in the life of this nation in order to live victoriously. For He alone has power. Our national fathers accessed that power to build and maintain this nation to this point, but we are proving ourselves unable to maintain it. Why? Again, it is our sins. Our sins separate us from the power of God, and I am not speaking here of the sins of the nation, but rather the sin that is held on to by the Church. I will now list 82 issues where by common practice and/or civil law we as American's practice what is contrary to God's commandments. From this list I will mark with an * the 48 of which are commonly participated in by much of what is called Christian in this nation. These are why again and again, what is called Christian in American, has not of late been proven to hold back the onslaught of sin in this nation, but rather is more and more being held in disdain by society at large.

hich sins are these:
Under the banner of the corruption of Divine Order (the role of authority among men that was established by God) you will find a goodly number of examples of our nation's errancies from the truth. This confusion and sin represents a very major “blind spot” in the thinking and practice of western societies, which very greatly includes western churches. These sins are:
- *Women holding public offices (offices of authority over men)
- *Women in the military (in a place of authority over men)
- *Women in the police force (in a place of authority over men)
- The teaching of a gender free God (a corruption of truth that the male person was created as a
representation of God Himself and as such is given by the creator authority over the woman and
the children that proceed from her) - *Inheritance passed on to a woman versus a man's son, or sons. (a corruption of the God given role of authority)
- *Women suing for divorce (a corruption of the laws of God pertaining to marriage and Divine Order)
- *The promotion of girl's and women's sports (a corruption of the place and calling of women, for in order for a woman to fulfill her primary God given role as wife and mother she must cultivate the spirit and wisdom of a completer, not the spirit of competition)
- *Women preachers, church elders, and deacons (a corruption of the place and calling of woman
in regards to Divine Order) - *Married women refusing to take their husband's family name, but maintaining their maiden
name (a confusion and corruption of the place and calling of the woman, and how it is to
reflect the Bride of Christ) - *immodest clothing (a corruption of the place of the woman as wife and lover to her husband,
and a corruption of the calling of the woman to reflect the Bride of Christ) - *Women leaving the home to pursue a “career”. (the corruption of the place and calling of a
woman as wife and mother) - *Women owning property with a title (For her to own is not a sin, but for her to be empowered
by the government to be able to use that to usurp her husband's place of authority and
ownership is sin) - Immodest clothing in advertisements on television and else where (the nakedness of a woman belongs to her husband, if she is not married then there is very little difference in her showing her nakedness publicly then the practice of fornication-it is entirely the same spirit)
- Pornography (The flood of filth across this land is a direct expression that fathers have no place
of care or authority over their daughters who sell themselves for a profit) - *Lack of the use of the titles Miss and Mrs (The lack of the use of these titles is seen because
the degeneration of marriage has made the titles of little significance, since the virtue of
virginity is not valued, and the virtue of the married woman is not valued) - *The use of the term “Ms”.(In God's economy there is no such thing as a “Ms”. A woman is
either a unmarried woman-“Miss”, or a married woman-“Mrs.”, there is no exception to this. A
“Ms” is simply a woman who does not wish to be recognized as either married or
unmarried. This woman is hiding from the truth) - *Women not wearing a head covering in public prayer or prophesying (the speaking forth of the testimony of God)
- Men wearing long hair (In that the hair is given in both the male and female as a sign of a
covering, long hair on a man always signals either confusion and/or rebellion to God's
placement of the male in His order of authority. This is without exception) - *Women wearing short hair. (This act signals, and that without exception, that there is either
confusion and/or rebellion on the woman's part as to her place in God's order of authority in that
the hair is a natural (token) sign of her place as being in submission to the male headship in her
life, whether that be her father, brother, or another male person) - *Women wearing pants (This is cross dressing. In the law of God it is termed as an abominable
act. (Deuteronomy 22:5) In that the commandment of God expressly prohibits that a man and a woman dress in the same manner, they must by God's law dress distinctively different, the one from the other) - *Women given a civil vote (The practice of a woman exercising a civil vote in effect makes the
woman equal in authority to not only her immediate male head, but all males in general. This
flies headlong in the face of Divine Order) - *Women judges (This practice puts a woman in authority over a man, which is contrary to
Divine Order) - *Women on juries (This practice puts a woman in authority over a man, which is contrary to
Divine Order) - *Girls or women in ROTC programs (This practice puts (promotes) women in authority over
men, which is contrary to Divine Order) - *Community property laws (Where the headship of a man's property is stolen from him in the
event that his wife chooses to leave him) - *Domestic violence laws (These have advanced to the point where men are commonly thrown
into jail for absolutely no more than a woman testifying to a police officer these words, “He
scared me”) - *Restraining orders (Where it is very common for men to be restrained by law from their own
property and children on the whim (testimony of violence without any validation) of a woman) - *Divorce (Especially what is called “no fault divorce”, for this vice could never have such a
strong hold in American except for the deterioration of the practice of Divine Order) - *Unbiblical remarriage. (A practice that is extremely common in America. Where upon people
enter an adulterous relationship but “sanctify” it in the eyes of men by remarriage) - *Child Custody (Where a father, if and when a wife chooses to leave him, has to fight for the
custody if of his own children, when by God's law he owns and is therefore responsible for
both the mother and the children) - *Child support (Where a wife divorces a husband, and the husband is then forced by law to
support the children she has stolen from him)

Beyond the category of the corruption and confusion of Divine Order I suppose the next largest set of vices can be found to spring forth directly from the the modern acceptance of socialism.
- The practice of an inheritance tax (This practice makes the government the heir of an individual,
a government has never yet come from the loins of a man so therefore can not be his heir) - Progressive income tax (This is unconstitutional and oppressive, and unfair)
- The Federal control of schools (It is unconstitutional and the “big brother” of federal
government does not need to, nor is it effectively able to control schools on the local level) - The outlawing of the Ten Commandments, and other Christian expressions in public places
(this nation was founded by Christians, and what's more, the separation of Church and state
does mean that “religion”, Christian or otherwise, does not have the right to influence both
society and government) - The outlawing of the Bible from public schools (Any local community as the right to use as it's
curriculum what it sees fit to use. It is not the right of the “feds” to dictate what we as
individuals or communities teach our children. To outlaw the Bible from public schools is
unconstitutional, remember the men that wrote the constitution were by in large God fearing,
and Bible promoters) - Property tax. (Where one can never own his property because the government has a continual
lien on it) - 50% of a person's income going to taxes. This is not uncommon. (Add up local, state, and
federal taxes) - *Welfare, entitlements and grants. (The hundreds of ways the government gives away
the money it has wrung out of the tax payer) - *Equal opportunity laws (I have nothing against government mandating equal opportunity with
what is it's own, but it has no right to usurp the sovereignty of an individual proprietor, or a
corporation to demand it (he) that it, (he) has to hire so many of these, and so many of those)

Beyond those vices that can be seen to originate quite directly from the practice of feminism and/or socialism there are other common practices among our people which are contrary to God, as listed:
- Tolerance and promotion of witchcraft, mediums, physics, Satan worship
- *Wave the flag and boast, “forever-together we stand”, yet not repent of our sin
- The offering of God's blessing by our leadership, but without repentance (God's blessing is only
available for the obedient) - The sending forth of ambassadors for peace and human rights, but at home we practice the
murder of abortion - Billions spent on pursuing terrorists (At least what are called terrorists) but the whole-sale
slaughter of the unborn continues (abortion) - The common inequity of “do not pouch the moose,(or any other animal) but go ahead and kill your unborn child” (abortion
- The practice of a large standing army. (This is not of faith, nor is it economically responsible)
- *The promotion of the practice of usury across this land, thus causing one's neighbor to be
enslaved - *A debt ridden society (The practice of living beyond one's means, exemplified by our federal
government which has a rapidly growing multi-trillion dollar debt) - *Religious holidays being polluted by fantasies and commercialism
- *Failure to teach the accurate history of our nation's beginnings
- *Civil and religious leadership unwilling to call men to prayer and repent
- *Our Church's failure to pray. (Where is the burden to pray in our land?)
- *Ministers of God's word who are both cowardly and confused (Therefore unable or unwilling to teach men the truth)
- *People having itching ears (hearing only that which is easy and convenient to hear)
- *A flood of pornography on the Internet, movies and books
- Illegal drug use not severely punished
- DWI's not severely punished
- *Youth allowed to cast a civil vote (By God's law eldership is to rule, a man of 18 is anything
but an elder) - *The promotion that America is a democracy versus the promotion that it is a democratic
republic (The difference being that a republic is based on a set of laws, (which were meant by our nation's founding fathers to reflex God's laws) thus a people who are
ruled by law, versus the whim of immediate public sentiment) - Judicial tyranny (The practice of judges usurping the will and determination of our legislative
governmental bodies) - Multiculturalism so called (Which works out to the allowance and promotion of every different
group's perversion) - Same sex marriage (Isn't it strange that a perversion that the Scripture teaches is to be answered
with the death penalty, our courts are beginning to determine to be equal to marriage) - Wicked civil leaders (Any civil leader that promotes any agenda contrary to laws of God)
- The keeping of long term prisoners
- *The lack of corporal punishment (billions are spent on “re orientating” prisoners, when a whip or a rod to the back would in all most all cases do it very easily and very inexpensively, also the failure
to use corporal punishment in the rearing of children) - *Sons and daughters leaving home before marriage and before they are grounded in life
- The allowance and promotion of Gambling-legalized casinos (Sin always begets more sin.
Confusion always begets more confusion. These vices serve no good and productive purpose,
but only promote confusion and poverty among its users, and with their presence comes every
wicked and perverse practice of men) - *The practice of “no fault” divorce laws (There is no such thing, it is an impossibility)
- The illustration of extramarital sexual union in forms of entertainment
- The use of the name of God, or the expression of God without purpose
- The promotion and/or the allowance of random violence in forms of entertainment
- Promotion and/or allowance of nakedness in forms of entertainment
- The legalization of abortive birth control methods. (I guess the idea is that the sooner we kill the
unborn we do not want, the better) - Society's practice of abortion
- Governmental promotion of birth control, particularly in lieu of the practice of chastity
- *The practice of birth control (Birth control is contrary to the proper illustration that the
man and the woman were created by Yahweh to give of the Lord and the Church. For the seed
of man represents the seed of God. So I ask you, does the Lord sow His seed into the Church to then destroy it? In like manner the seed of the man is not to be destroyed. Also the practice of birth control possesses with it the spirit of abortion. For one destroys life, and the other destroys the potential for life) - *The promotion in every level of society of the fable of evolution
- *The mixing of fabrics in our adornment(The purity of the non-blending of fabrics in clothing is a token practice commanded by God to help the Believer maintain a pure and “unblended” testimony of godliness in their lives. As one is to put on Christ without mixture, so one is to adorn themselves with clothing where the fabric has not been blended)
- *The neglecting of obedience to the laws pertaining to sexual abstinence during a woman's
menstruation. How do I know this law is not by in large obeyed? Because it is taught by very few. - *Failure to observe the Sabbath (The American people used to do this, how be it for most it was obeyed in confusion, where Sunday was held as the Sabbath. However, in more recent times even the practice of holding Sunday as the Sabbath is very greatly neglected)
For those who may want it, an expanded version of this teaching is available on this web site. It is titled: WHO LEFT THE DOOR OPEN? Take these O Christian, and with them examine your life and conduct, surrendering yourself to the conviction of the Holy Spirit, and may He (the Holy Spirit) guide you in the way of truth and righteousness. Amen!
A Watchman,
Greg DeHart
1. The Light And The Glory, Peter Marshall and David Manuel, page 1622.
2.The Light And The Glory, Peter Marshall and David Manuel, page 267
3. The Light And The Glory, Peter Marshall and David Manuel, page 351
4. Lincoln Selected Speeches and Writings, page 280
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