Thursday, October 2, 2008

America The Unfaithful-or- 37 Ways To Leave Your Lover

Hey America:

In the mid 1970s Paul Simon's pop song made its way around expressing the growing attitude of the day for non-commitment in marriage and generally speaking, all forms of godly responsibility. Fifty Ways To Leave Your Lover was its title, which included such lyrics as: Just slip out the back, Jack---Make a new plan, Stan—You don't need to be coy, Roy—Just set yourself free—Hop on the bus, Gus—You don't need to discuss much—Just drop off the key, Lee—And get yourself free.

America, this song might just as well have been written to describe your unfaithfulness in your relationship with the Almighty who has been to you a husband. The greatness of who's grace was at work in our nation's founders to bring forth a “nation under God”. To bring forth a people who's expression in our nation's early days was, “we have no king, save Jesus”. The spirit of this devotion being followed up and expressed by Abraham Lincoln when he spoke of America as being “the last great hope of the world”, and therefore would not allow it to be torn asunder by the secession of the southern states.

America, you have played the unfaithful partner. You have played the harlot. This writing is for you, an expression of the many acts you have done to walk away from your lover. (God Almighty, through Christ)

  • The later 1800s--as the increase of technical knowledge began to be dramatically increased the spirit of humanism (man centered thought) began to entice many of you away from a God centered thought process.

  • With humanistic thought on the rise the introduction of evolution-ism began to take hold. Many of you began to teach that man was not the creation of an all wise and powerful creator, but the children of “chance”. An illogical system of thought that makes fools of men, for it is plagued with an eternal number of unanswerable questions. How rightly does the Scripture speak when it says in Psalms, The fool has said in His own heart that there is no God.

  • Man centered thought began to focus on the throwing off of the laws and logic of headship, sponsored by the woman's suffrage movement.

  • The practice of cross dressing began, and will later, as the decades pass become extremely common place. For we began to see what at first was spoken of as “the brazen woman”, that woman who put off her dress in favor of pants, thus showing their “equality” to a man.

  • The seeds of socialism (that man centered form of government where government steals from the producer, but not to distribute in an equal manner) begun to be sown into America from European voices such as Karl Marx. Before this time the socialism that worked in America was when a man had need that he could not meet on his own he turned to his family first, and then to the church, and to his near neighbors for their aide. But this does not fit well with the humanistic mindset that is loose in the world today and promoted by devils, and is set to bring to pass a one world socialistic state where a few godless men rule in absolute authority. For such a government to exist the sovereignty (the right of personal choice and responsibility) of men must be annulled, leaving the government as the all powerful benefactor and Lord. America, any man paying a tax, must of reason of justice have some sort of return on what was taken from him. Equity is not stealing from one to give to another.

  • 1920 saw the constitutional amendment that gave the woman the right to vote. Thus legally establishing that all women are equal in headship (authority) to all men. A direct spit in the face to the teaching and the commandment of the Lord. (1 Co. 11:3) .....that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.
  • Thus with this single devise beginning the attempt of the demasculinization of the whole nation of American men. Satan hates the sovereignty of the godly man, because this sort of man, the godly man, can not be bought at any price to do evil.

  • The 1920s saw the “Roaring Twenties”. A time of general denial of restraint and the fear of God.

  • The 1930s saw the judgment of God in the form of economical collapse, and the famous dust storms of the 30s. Instead of humbling ourselves and turning to God, we as a people chose humanism, turning to the government and Roosevelt's “New Deal”. (Socialism-government not based on equitable dealings)

  • The 1940's brought World War Two. Women left the home and put on pants. Where is the sin here? Women are called to be ...keepers of the home. ( 1 Tim. 5:14), so the obvious question is, if Mama isn't home to nurture and train her children, who is going to do it? If Mama will not love them to invest in them the time and devotion needed, then who will? And the woman is commanded by God to never dress in a manner that a man does. (Deut. 22:5) The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.

  • The 1950s saw the Korean war. America begins to loose wars. Why? Because she became a house divided, one part expressing godliness, the other part casting off godly restraint and responsibility. Therefore, there is no political power (unity) to see the war through to victory.

  • John F. Kennedy promotes further socialism by the introduction of H.U.D.

  • The Supreme Court rules it is unconstitutional to use the Bible in the class room

  • The Supreme Court rules it unconstitutional for prayer in schools. At this point the scholastic averages of all public schools go dramatically down hill. Thus the “dumbing down” of America began. Why? The answer is simple, it is found in the wisdom of this verse. The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge... (Proverbs 1:7a) What became known as Liberalism began to soar in the 60's

  • The 1970s opened the door to a flood of pornographic filth across America.

  • The Supreme Court testifying to its hatred for God and all that is right, makes the ruling that it is now “legal” in America to murder your unborn child. Thus legalized abortion begins. Which as consumed 40 million plus innocents since that time.

  • No fault divorce laws are introduced into America. Another direct spit in God's face, and a major promoter of a modern divorce rate of somewhere near 70%.

  • Community property laws are introduced. For the woman suing for divorce needs to have “her share” in her husband's, and family's estate. Thus promoting further the transferral of rulership from the male to the female, for the truth of the “golden rule of finance” is seen here, “He (or she) Who Has The Gold Rules”

  • What has grown to be called common law marriage begins to blossom on the scene as young people disenchanted with the hypocrisy of their parents and of society decide not to even make a pretense of commitment. This has advanced to the point now that approximately one half of all American people do not marry, but “cohabit ate”. It is, for the disgruntled lover, easier for he or she to leave the relationship this way. .

  • By this time it has begun to be the “official” policy that it is wrong to exercise corporal punishment on a child. Another direct insult to the wisdom of the wise, and the Bible injunction to not spare the rod of correction.

  • The mid 70s, true to how our political house was divided saw the abandonment of the South Vietnamese people as we proved our selves liars, breaking our commitment to them and allowing the murder of many of these people by the North Vietnamese.

  • The 1980s. saw it commonplace for a woman to be found out side of the home in the job place. Admittedly it was promoted by the tax burden and by what is called no fault divorce. For socialism is expensive. Someone has to pay for the “social benefits”, and “no-fault divorce” put many women out into the work place as heads of homes.

  • Politicians, responding to the cry of women and other “minorities”, invented what was to become known as affirmative action. I have to admit I have never understood what affirmative action was, or is, to affirm? I guess our own stupidity. For this social movement demanded of employers to surrender their sovereignty and good sense, and mandated the implementation of hiring quotas. So many of this kind of “minority”, and so many of another kind of “minority” were by law to be hired by the employer.

  • In a society where the word of God was less and less honored, the 80s also became the decade of the co-ed: co-ed military, co-ed police force, co-eds at West Point Military Academy, etc.

  • The 1980s saw the dramatic increase in the “single mom”, which then turned to the government for support. Thus effectively taking the government for their husband. For the government was easy, it simply used the money it stole from others to support them, and demanded little or nothing of them in return..

  • Oh yes, the decade of the co-ed began to introduce a whole crop of women in governmental roles in both local, state, and national governments. Thus spitting into the face of the demands of the Scriptures expressed among other places in 1 Timothy 2:12: But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

  • Desert Storm--the government tells the American people that we must defend the defenseless people of Kuwait. I have nothing against that, but if that was the motivation, then why did we not seek to aide the defenseless peoples of Sudan, where multitudes of people have perished in recent years, not to mention other atrocities against human life in Africa in the last twenty years. NO, the issue was oil. We needed stability in that region for the sake of oil. And why had not America developed her own fuel resources, and why has that not happened even up until today? The answer is found in this one word. Confusion. For a double-minded man is unstable in all of his ways. We say that we wish for God’s blessing, but we walk contrary to His commandments. That is double mindedness, and double mindedness can not produce the power needed to go forward.

  • The 1990s saw the increase in international terrorism against American concerns. Not to speak of the abundance of natural disasters here at home. Extremely few of our leaders were willing to give God honor and admit that our sins are the reason for the these judgments from God. Still there was no national cry for repentance.

  • The 1990s saw an increase of natural disasters, which continues to this day. Yet we harden our hearts and turn to a humanistic government for salvation, instead of repenting in humility.

  • Our president at the time, Mr. Bill Clinton, became an activist for sodomy, for abortion, for more and more socialistic programs.

  • The President's cry was to pay for the abortion (murder) of the unwanted child, and the care for the person with aids who contracted it because of his immoral life style. The nation paid countless millions out to study how to conquer the aids virus, but officially did nothing to promote the teaching of chastity. Which is God's law.

  • The 90s saw the perjury of President Clinton go completely unpunished.

  • The 2000s brought forth another president who spoke as if he walked with the Mighty One, but watch out, words can be cheap.

  • Stem cell research is the push, thus devaluating the scantily of human life.

  • 911 occurs, the Twin Towers fall in New York City, and thus begins the crime of the century. The government promotes a cover up which at first is taken to be truth by very many, but time has revealed to more and more that the fall of the Twin Towers was a deliberate act of terrorism by our own government. The skillful planting of demolition explosives begins to become obvious to thinking minds. If you question this begin to verify it by checking out, and you'll find numerous other sites that reveal volumes of irrefutably evidence supporting exactly what I am telling you.

  • Under the guise of “needed national security” the Patriot Act is implemented. Elements of the national government desiring to introduce a one world order, but needing to subject the American people, who although in a badly backslidden standing, still can not be overcome without a craftily executed plan to cause confusion and estaria, which would serve to allow elements of our Federal Government to coheres the American people to lay down their freedoms for the government's promise of protection. Thus the plan to subjugate this free people into a godless one world system has taken a notable step forward.

  • With the confusion of the American people (having taken the word of the government and media for face value, and as truth) President Bush drags America into two wars with the reasoning that “terrorists blew up the Twin Towers, and who knows what they will do next?” Thus, what was the buzzing and sting of a few “bees” of terrorism around the world is stirred up by America attacking Iraq and Afghanistan, Thus, as a man might stir up a nest of bees with a stick, America, by our invasions and occupation of these counties stirred up, and continues to stir up the “bee hives” of international terrorists. This being the very plan of the “One Worlders”, to create an unstable world environment where a world wide government is needed to bring stabilization again.

  • If these other atrocities are not enough President Bush and his collaborators have gone even further with their attempt to create a NORTH AMERICAN UNION that would erase our boarders, dump our dollar, and over turn our Constitution. This plan would merge the U.S. with Mexico and Canada, ending our status as an independent republic. More information concerning this issue can be obtained at It has every appearance that President Bush will go down in history as the “Benedict Arnold” of the 21st century.

  • The 2008 Presidential election sees the first of another situation, which is the obvious forthcoming of decades of our backslidden ways: the advent of women running for the nation's highest national public office. Thus taking our rebellion towards God's law to yet another dimension. It is nothing short of the expression of the rebellion of Lucifer himself who wished to be equal to God ((Is. 14: 9-15) For the woman being created by God as a living mortal representation of the Church, by needs must be in submission to the man, who by God's design was created to be a living mortal illustration of God himself. So for the woman to claim equality of headship with the man is to say that the Church, or any man, is equal to God. Which is the height of rebellion.

To you American people I speak, to you, the individual who is now reading this article. Will you admit your sin, and the sin of our people and turn and give God glory? To you man and woman of faith I speak. Will you hide behind the confusion and pretenses of truth that your denomination teaches, or will you admit the truth and turn from wickedness and confusion and be counted as a faithful servant of Jesus in these last days? America has have been a people brave and free, but our nobility and our freedom is being thrown away in our headlong pursuit of our man centered evil ways, supposing that our wisdom is greater than God's. Let us turn from our evils, that He might grant mercy and salvation.

A Watchman

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