Hey America, and Alaskan Residents:
Quoting from the Anchorage Daily News, (adn.com) March 5th, 2009, “Anchorage Superior Court Judge Morgan Christen, on the bench since 2002, will be just the second woman named to the high court in the 50 years since statehood. "Alaska's Supreme Court bears the awesome responsibility of ensuring that our court system administers justice in firm accordance with the principles laid down in our state Constitution," Palin said in a written statement. "I have every confidence that Judge Christen has the experience, intellect, wisdom and character to be an outstanding Supreme Court justice."”
I am well aware that likely 95% all American citizens will not see any violation of God's law in the Alaska State Governor's action to appoint the Anchorage Superior Court Judge Morgan Christen to the Alaska Supreme Court. In fact, perhaps it might be that 98% , or even 99% of our American people will see no violation of God's law in this appointment. But I do, and what's more, every soul of man that reads the Scripture will find the same fault if they are honest, and do not play the modern American “game” of twisting the truth of God to fit America's humanistic trends.
- Is the violation, that she (Sarah Palin) took the unusual step of asking the Judicial Council to send her all information it had on the two finalists, Christen and Palmer Superior Court Judge Eric Smith, without even considering the other four candidates that the Judicial Council had on its slate? No!
- Is the violation, that she did not follow the advise of the Alaska Family Council -- a Christian pro-family, anti-abortion group. Which on Wednesday sent an e-mail to thousands of people asking them to urge Palin to pick Smith, not Christen? No! That, is not necessarily a violation of God's law.
- Is the violation of Yahweh's law, that Anchorage Superior Court Judge Morgan Christen's application included her membership in several charitable groups, including some from her past, but did not mention that she was on the board of Planned Parenthood in the mid-1990s. The organization, which didn't provide abortions in Alaska until 2003, but is now on the opposite side of a Palin-supported bill to require girls under 17 to get parental consent for an abortion? Admittedly this information seems to lean heavily to point out that Governor Palin's decision might be foolish in that Morgan Christen's record shows her habit of life to be contrary to the fight against abortion that Sarah Palin is known to support. But this is not the violation of God's law that I am speaking of.
Yahweh's law, that has been violated is written in exceedingly plain and simple English in the King James Version of the Bible. The which Bible version I will quote from, in that it has been the long enduring standard of the American society. Its presence being found here from the very formation of this nation. The verses I will submit as evidence that Yahweh's law has been violated are direct quotes of the Apostle Paul who wrote them as encapsulations of the writings of the Law and the Prophets in respect to what is called Divine Order. Which is the order of authority established from the beginning of all things by God our creator. 1 Corinthians 11: 3 is quoted as saying, “But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of he woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.” And in 1 Timothy 2:14 the apostle is quoted as saying, “But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.”
How can a woman be appointed to be a State Supreme Court Justice, if by God's law a woman can not usurp the authority that lies in the man? Can the one who by God's design is under authority, make rulings pertaining to the life of another who by God's design is superior to her in authority? Further, since in all general terms the rule (headship) of the man over the woman is dictated by the Law of God, how can a woman be in the place of a civil judge at all? Or, in the place of a state governor? Or for that matter, how can she have a civil vote? For to exercise a civil vote is to exercise that portion of elder ship rule which our country's founders established this nation to be ruled by. They, as a generation, were in their time far more obedient to God's laws then what we are, and they determined that the rule of all forms of government, (headship) from a man's home to the White House was only to be filled by the man.
Obviously I am not naive that currently the law of the land grants the right of a civil vote to a woman, and that she can therefore with that right also pursue offices of authority, but then again, abortion is also legal, and has been since 1973. It is perfectly “legal” according to the United States Supreme Court to murder children. So America, if I were you I would not establish what is right or wrong before the Eternal Creator by what modern American calls either legal, or ill legal. If your trend of thought is to say, “Watchman, how can you be right in this matter when it appears that the greater portion of all the American people, if asked, would say that a woman is equal to a man in authority? (headship) My answer is very simple. I align myself with God the almighty. As far as I am concerned, if God is on one's side then that person is in the majority. For at the last day it will be His way and no other way! Remember it is written, “Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the upright shall be delivered.” (Proverbs 11:21 KJV) I might add there are many forms of wickedness (things contrary to Yahweh's law) that are both popular and celebrated as wise and acceptable in modern America. You may ask, “Watchman, if what you say is true, then why are not the preachers and politicians of the land crying out this truth? The answer is simple. We live in a wicked and adulterous generation that does not value the truth of God, but the ease of life and the popularity of men. There is no shortage of both confusion and cowardice in this generation among those that in leadership in both civil and religious positions.
Mrs. Palin does right to fight against abortion. For the which I praise her! But that does not mean that other issues of her life are not terribly wrong. For abortion is the inexcusable murder of the most innocent of any society. (The which murder will bring unspeakable retribution upon this society. And do not be fooled America, though this retribution has lingered, it will surely come.) Can one fight one evil, by doing another evil? Can one fight fire by throwing more fuel on the fire? Can the violation of God's law on one hand eliminate the violation of Yahweh's law on the other hand? I think not.
Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord. Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens. We have transgressed and have rebelled; thou hast not pardoned. Thou hast covered with anger, and persecuted us; thou hast slain, thou hast not pitied. Thou hast covered thyself with a cloud, that our prayer should not pass through. Thou hast made us as the off scouring and refuse in the midst of the people. (Lamentations 3:40-44 KJV)
These words are the words of Jeremiah, an ancient Jewish prophet who spoke them concerning the nation of Israel because they would not heed the call to repent. So in time God destroyed their nation. America, do you think that Yahweh can not, or will not also destroy you if you will not follow His laws? I tell you, He will only honor those that honor Him, (1 Samuel 2:30) but those that are set against Him He will destroy.
A Watchman
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