Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Why Is It Hated By God For A Woman To Dress Like A Man, And Why Does This Practice Fill America? -or- This Man Of God's Great Embarassment


The author speaks of his own embarrassment in regards to the Holy Spirit teaching him why it is that God hates the practice of men and women dressing alike. The author also speaks of why this practice has become very prevalent in America and western societies, and is most commonly found practiced when the woman dresses like the man.

It was in the afternoon, the year was 1999, I was 42 years of age at the time and had walked in life with an open Christian testimony since I was 14 years of age, some 28 years. This particular afternoon I had met with a man to discuss issues concerning how we as American people, although once having a deep rooted Christian faith and system of ethics, have strayed very far from the obedience and practice of God's commandments having accepted modern traditions of men which are based upon humanistic thought. Most particularly we were speaking of issues related to what is referred to as Divine Order, or as some call it: Vertical Alignment. The role and order of authority and responsibility spoken of in a condensed form by the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:3. Namely: God is the head of Christ, who is the head of the man, who is the head of the woman, and of coarse we understand that women are in headship over children, particularly their own children.

Its a funny thing, for as much as certain aspects of that day have been printed on my mind with what might be called indelible ink, I can not recall who the man was that I spoke with that day, but I remember with absolute certainty the words that he spoke to me as we ended our discussion and walked out into the parking lot of the restruant where we had been sitting together. He said, “Greg, you need to read Deuteronomy 22:5.” I asked him what the verse said. He said, “Just go read it and you'll see.”

I did go from there and read it, and there is no way that I can describe the surprise that I experienced upon doing so. For Although I had for 28 years lived an open Christian testimony, and although never claiming anything near perfection, in my heart I ever purposed to serve and please the God of my Salvation. But upon reading these words the most sincere, certain, and overwhelming conviction of sin and confusion came over my heart. It stated to me in no uncertain terms that I had for all those numerous years (particularly as head of my household) been allowing a thing that was an abomination to God. In fact, in the Old Testament era, before Christ stood between men and the law (before the grace of God was seen in the world in the person of Christ) a person, whether a man or woman, would have been personally considered an abomination to have practiced this sin, but I clearly understood that I was in Christ, and therefore in my person I could not be seen as an abomination to the Lord, but only the action of my life was considered an abomination to God.

I do not believe it is possible for me to describe the feeling that I had as I stood there before the Lord having read Deuteronomy 22:5. I was embarrassed. I was ashamed, and at the same time bewildered as to how I could have walked before the Lord for so many years not knowing or understanding how that I was practicing a thing that was in His determination a thing that is hateful to Him. Let me say this. This experience was a very clear signal to me from that time forward that it is only God that reveals truth, and only His presence can convict any sinner of the error of his or her ways. Yes, we must seek him and that is our responsibility, but He alone is the revealer of truth. He alone turns the “light” on. However, when He does, then it is our responsibility (empowered by His grace) to walk in that light. Perhaps if you can bring to your mind the most embarrassing moments of your life, this was how I felt. I stood there before God embarrassed and very ashamed, because I, how be it in ignorance, had been practicing something that was shameful to Him whom I loved.

Deuteronomy 22:5 in the King James version says The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.” I have had a number of life changing revelations from the Scripture in my life, but I admit that the conviction of this statement of God's law, and the revelation of its purpose and meaning that would come to me in the following days has ranked right up at the top of the list in reference to how they have upset my life. I have since I first came to the Lord in my youth endeavored to walk honestly before God. To not allow it to be the practice of my life to make silly and pitiful excuses for my sins or failings, either before God or man. So, as I stood there that day I was not about to argue with the simple understanding of the words, which I was then and am even today convinced that an 8 year old can understand, nor was I willing to argue or put away the conviction of His presence that was at work in my inner person. So I simply said before Him, “Here I am Lord. I do not know how I could have so long remained ignorant of this that is so clearly spoken of as an abomination, but I will do your commandment. However, Lord,”, I cried out. “How is it that the Great God of all creation can be excited by threads? What do you care about threads? I don't get it?” For admittedly, it was way beyond my comprehension as to why God Almighty would care about what particular clothes a person might wear. Of coarse at the time I perceived the importance of issues of modesty in regards to clothing, but I had zero perception of deeper issues.

I didn't get it. I could see the commandment and I knew the conviction of His presence was upon me, but I did not have a clue as to the reasoning for the commandment, but God was gracious and kind to me. It was only a few short time later when He used the foundation of prior points of understanding to bring a very profound revelation to me in regards to the purposes of clothing, and most importantly, why it is a detestable thing for a man to dress like a woman, or a woman to dress like a man. And you will note that for a woman to dress in the manner that a man dresses has become a very common thing in this society, and my friend, it is not without reason. It is not by accident, but by the design of the Evil One, having found an entrance into both society at large, and the household of faith in modern western societies.

The Holy Spirit revealed to me that clothing has three purposes. Let's first speak of the basic need for protection from the elements. Our bodies need protection from the sun, the cold, etc. Otherwise we would not be able to maintain our natural lives. The second reason for clothing I'll mention is the the need to protect modesty. All human persons are sexually orientated beings. We were made this way by God as a reflection of Himself and His relationship to the Church, or individual Believer. If we did not cloth ourselves utter chaos would very soon take over. The third reason for clothing is the one that holds the greatest possibility of offense to God when not practiced in obedience to the Scripture. It is that clothing has a symbolic nature to it, and designed to be so by God Himself. The truth that even among men that clothing is symbolic, or has voice or meaning in itself is seen very clearly. For are not soldiers quickly and easily identified by their uniforms? Are not police identified in the same manner? Do not signs on bathroom doors identify the men's and the women's room by the difference in the dress that the figures have?

The highest of all the creation is the human person. Yahweh, by His infinite wisdom and power created the male person to be a reflection of Himself. A living mortal illustration of Himself. This is particularly seen as He grows to manhood, and in marriage. The female person was at the beginning, (and still is by means of birth) created to be a living mortal illustration of the One who is the single great object of the Divine One's love and attention: the Church. So, in the most simple words, the man represents the Lord, the woman was (and is) made to represent the Church, (or the individual Believer). Therefore, both reason, and the commandment of God demands that the man and the woman adorn themselves distinct fully different the one from the other. For they are distinct fully different creatures, designed and created for distinct fully different roles and callings, which when properly lived out will cause each of the sexes to illustrate with their lives true and accurate heavenly realities. However, when either a man or a woman who because of ignorance, and/or confusion, or by reason of outright rebellion refuse to maintain his or her person and calling, and begin to “blend the genders” by the mixing of their clothing, or other acts that deny their role and calling as either a man or a woman, they bring forth an incorrect reflection of heavenly things. For remember that they (the male and female, or man and woman) were created with that purpose in God's mind, namely: to illustrate with their lives heavenly realities. Therefore, to dress a man like a woman, or to dress a woman like a man is to bring forth a slanderous testimony of both the Lord and that which is the chief object of His love and attention. And this is, as you can imagine, a thing that is very offensive to God. That is why any one who is still directly under the jurisdiction of the law, (the one who is not yet hid in Christ) and who disobeys this commandment is for it's sake is considered an abomination. And, whoever's actions, although they may be in Christ, who disobeys this law stands in their action to be doing a thing that is an abomination to God.

I was like this. For years I walked in disobedience to this command of the Lord. However, I was like a young child who in the ignorance and confusion of their childhood poops continually in his diaper. A filthy-rotten mess that the child's guardian has to continually clean up. Now, this is not thought an extreme or unusual thing in so much as the child is small, but if a child is 10 years old and has to be cleaned up in this manner it is exceedingly more detestable, and therefore hateful to whoever is around the child, or has to clean the child up.

In like manner before the commandment came to me (the understanding and conviction of it) I was like a small child. I practiced a thing that was detestable to God, (this action of mine stunk in God's nostrils) but He winked at it, in that He knew I was in darkness (ignorance-confusion) and therefore did not hold it against me. However, one day He convicted me of my error, bringing it to my attention. From that point on I was no longer in ignorance, for I had been made aware that this action was displeasing to God. The Apostle Paul spoke of this process when he said, “when the commandment came, sin revived.” (Romans 7:9 KJV) Jesus made it clear that we are responsible for obedience to commandments that we are knowledgeable concerning when He said, “He that has my commandments and keepeth them, He it is that loveth me.....” (John 14:21a KJV) That is how I was able to live so many years with an open Christian testimony, yet with peace of heart before God, but at the same time be doing a thing that according to God's law is a detestable thing. I was ignorant. I was in regards to this issue, in darkness. But when the darkness passed and the light came I took hold of the light and began to walk in accordance to His law. Not that that action made me more saved, for it did not. But it did prove my devotion to God in that I loved Him enough to obey Him. For the Christian is not saved by the keeping of the law, but when we are saved, it should then be our nature to always turn and obey His commandments when they are brought to us. If we possess a heart that in any way turns from His commandments, then we need to examine ourselves before Him, asking of Him. “What is wrong with me, that I do not turn to do your commandments?” For the heart of a Christian that is right wants to do the Lord's commandments, it wants to please Him who calls from above.

Now, let us give answer to why it has become so extremely common place for women in modern western societies to dress like men. (to cross dress) IE, to wear pants like a man would. Why is it that men do not by in large, dress like women by wearing either a dress or skirt? Is this practice simply by coincidence, or it it because of an influence behind it? And if there is a definite influence behind such an action who is it that is doing the influencing?

Again the man is meant by His creator to be a living mortal illustration of Yahweh. The woman is meant by Yahweh to be a living mortal illustration of the Church, or the individual Believer. This can only be fully realized when the man and the woman by means of obedient understanding follow the Lord's commandments and promises. Other then that we will fall short of this calling. When a woman dresses like a man she is by her action saying that she is the same as , or equal to a man, therefore she dresses like a man. No, I do not mean to say that she thinks she is like a man in body, but that she has begun to think that she is equal to a man in reference to headship. That she is equal in headship. Therefore she has the right to dress as he dresses and assume the place and calling that he (the man) has. In short, she begin to think and act as a man does, usurping the God created and God given authority that men in general have over women in general, and in particular terms, that a father or husband have over those of their household. The spirit of humanism that is the progenitor of the spirit of feminism has received an extreme acceptance into modern western society, and for that matter in to almost all that is called Christian. Feminism teaches that men and woman are equal or the same. Now, remember that Yahweh created the human persons to illustrate heavenly realities. Therefore when the woman dresses like the man, in that she was created to illustrate the Church or individual Believer, she is saying by her actions that the Believer is equal to the Lord Himself. In other words that the Believer is lord over his own self and actions. Which means that they are equal to the Lord and therefore can do as they wish to do, even though what they wish to do may be contrary to God's laws. Sad to say, this spirit and practice fills our western Churches. Confusion and sin has become common place in our Churches, and thus that is why the American nation is being forfeited to the ungodly. The “Salt of the earth” has lost its saltiness, henceforth, as the Lord Himself taught us it is good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under the feet of men. This is what is happening in America to most everything that is called Christian. One ideological foundation after another in our American society that our godly forefathers by means of great effort and sacrifice had established is being cast out, rejected, and trodden under men's feet as if it were nothing of importance.

To realize an even further depth to the sinfulness of the practice and the spirit behind the blending of the genders, I will ask you to call to remembrance who else in the Bible is spoken of as wishing to be equal to God? Isaiah the prophet in combination with Ezekiel the prophet tells us the story of Lucifer who was the highest of all of Yahweh's heavenly creatures, but in whose heart was one day found the desire to usurp the place of the Almighty and thus declared himself equal to God. (Isaiah 14:13-14 & Ezekiel 28:1-19) When the woman dresses her self as the man she is walking out (how be it many times mostly in confusion and ignorance) the same expression of usurpation that Lucifer introduced into the world a long time ago. Her expression that she is equal to the man is at the same time giving the expression that the Believer is equal to the Lord. Equality means that the one is independent of the other, and of coarse the Believer is anything but independent of the Lord. That is the bottom line reason why the practice of a woman dressing like a man is an abomination to God.

When a man dresses like a woman he is making the expression that he wishes to throw away his manliness and put on femininity. And most men do not wish to do that in a complete manner. However, it has become very common place for men to neglect and forsake their role of manliness by surrendering their role of headship to the woman, allowing her to usurp what is not given her of God. Thus you see this expressed in the adornment of men and women. She puts on his clothes, but he most commonly will not put on her clothes, but he allows her to dress like himself.

Closing Remarks

I will remind you of the illustration of the young child, particularly an infant child who poops in his diaper, yet because the child is young it is excused with almost no thought given to it. In like manner our sins and confusion, (which includes the modern western confusion and sin associated with the blending of the genders) although infinitely detestable to God are excused and winked at until such time as the Holy Spirit begins to enlightenment and conviction us, but when the light of understanding comes to us, these sins then begin to stand between the Christian and the Holy One. Yet how is it is that so many when confronted with the simple directness of the commandment of the Lord for the sexes to dress distinct fully different the one from the other, and when given the explanation of the extreme gravity of the reasoning behind it, reject the commandment as if obedience to it matters nothing? It is because we live in a generation where very many have grown use to following the ways and doctrines of men (humanist teachings that are man centered) instead of the commandments of God. And, in that we do not make it our practice to obey God's laws our senses are dull and not able to easily discern good from evil. (Hebrews 5:14) Much of what is called Christian in this generation is wise in regards to getting along in the world, (this is called worldly wisdom) but proves very often to be very low in obedience to commandments of God that are socially unpopular and may cost the Believer something. This my friend is very dangerous ground. For it is not the Spirit of the Holy One who influences us to think in such a manner, but the spirit of the Wicked One. Let us not forget the exhortation of the Apostle John, when he says, “He that committeth sin (continues therein) is of the devil. (1 John 3:8 KJV)

Let us walk in humility and be overcomes like those that are spoken of in Revelations 12:17 (KJV), And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Also, Revelations 14:12 (KJV), Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus Christ. Also, Revelations 22:14 (KJV), Blessed are they at do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates of the city.

Peace to the Israel of God,

A Watchman,
Gregory DeHart

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