Thursday, January 29, 2009

Feminism Cries For A Female President-Does The Bible Say This Is Within A Woman's Calling?

Hey America:

I am not like the president of the United States of America. I was not voted into office and can not be voted out of office, but rather I speak because the Great One has instructed me to. Therefore, I will speak of a point of basic and very wide spread confusion that grips our American people even though it is a very unpopular subject. Namely, the place and the calling of a woman.

My small eight year old son came home from school toting a school work paper in which a picture of the White House is seen along with a quiz of a sort where he and his class mates were to spell out the address of the White House: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C. All of that is fine, in fact, in so much as the true history of America is taught I am well pleased that he, (my young son) can learn these things. However, right there at the top of the page is yet another example of how America, which was called of God to be “the wise and enlightened” is being pressed hard by many to turn into America, the “miss guided and confused”. America, that special land that was birthed by the Eternal God through the faith of Christ that abode in the hearts of so many of His faithful servants to the end that it would be a “first fruit” of modern nations dedicated to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Where the knowledge and law of God are to reign supreme above all things.

Here is the sentence that was at the top of Matt's school paper, “After Inauguration Day the new President moves his or her family to a new home.” You may say, “Well Watchman, that is exactly where the new president and family are to move,” and, I will add you are entirely right. But here is the problem. The part of that sentence speaking of the new president that says, “his or her family”, obviously suggesting we can, or will sometime have a female president. Where in the wisdom and law of the Almighty is it allowed for a woman to rule men, let alone a woman to rule this great nation in the capacity of president or any other governing office? In fact, by God's law a woman is never given the authority to rule over the life of anyone in this world except her children. That my friend is the simple outcome of God's law. Anyone, whether preacher, or educator, or politician, or mother or father,or brother or sister that will tell you differently than this, is telling you a lie.

America, you first swallowed Darwin's lie of evolutionism, it led to the lie of feminism that promotes the perversion of truth that states that women are equal to men in respect to headship. The acceptance of this lie led you to pass the 19th amendment in 1920, erasing the wisdom of our Nation's fathers to accept the doctrine and practice of feminism that many tote as “enlightenment.” This doctrine is not true, nor has it ever been true, nor can it ever be true. Now, do not get me wrong, I am not speaking of the value of a woman being less then a man. In fact, in reference to value I will say this. There are few men of any worth that will not, if called upon by neccesity, lay down their lives to preserve and protect the women and the children of their lives, thus establishing that a man views them as more important than himself. This truth has been played out millions upon millions of times in the history of men kind. So I am not speaking of worth, but of headship, I am saying that she is subject to a man. A unmarried woman is to be subject to her father, a married woman is to be subject to her husband. Women are in general terms are to be subject to men in general terms. That is why wise governments, whether civil or religious in nature have forever been comprised of men, and not women. That is wise it is an ungodly and extremely foolish practice to give a civil vote to women. This is why the Apostle Paul encapsulated the law of God into a brief statement as found in 1 Corinthians 11: 3, NJKV, “But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God.” God is head over the man Christ Jesus, who is head over the man, who is head over the woman, who is head over her children. There it is America.

The words to this scripture are very simple words. Which part of them is it that we do not understand that has led us to the extreme role reversals that occur in modern America Society? I'll tell you why we do not understand, it is summed up in a couple of statements that the Apostle Paul made and are recorded in the New Testament writings. (2 Timothy 3:5&7 NKJV) Having a form of godliness but denying its power, and for such people turn away......Always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. , and (Romans 1: 21-22 NKJV) Because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thought, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, the became fools. Sorry to say it America, but these words fit you to a tee. That is why you have murdered 40 million plus innocents through legalized abortion. That is why many of you pay over 50% of their income to taxes. That is why your Internet can boast a million porno sites. That is why you have nearly a 70% divorce rate for first time marriages, plus the reality that approximately one-half of your young people refuse to even “give marriage a chance”, but choose to live together outside of the covenant of marriage, thus always having the “back door” open to escape the relationship when things don't go their way. That is why 8 out of 10 of your teenage are sexually active (fornicate), irrespective of our public school's attempts at sex education. (which teaches everything but chastity) That is why your streets are more and more dangerous and murderous. That is why your prisons are filled to capacity and you are setting wicked men free to do their crimes all over again. And the list goes on.

What is the answer? My friends there is only one answer and the root of it is certainly not in politics. In fact, politics is often more a part of the problem then a solution to the problem. It is in the repentance of our people before the Divine One. The answer is in turning from our self-centered ways acknowledging our sin before the Eternal God, turning to Him through Christ Jesus for mercy. It is in the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. That alone is the answer. There is no other answer. There was no other answer for the American people at the time of the Civil War, nor at the time of the Revolutionary War, nor at the time of the first successful European colonists. (the Pilgrims), nor will there ever be any other answer for this nation, or any other nation of people. For it is only the gospel of Christ that can set a man free from the wicked and confused nature that grips his unregenerated soul. And only men who have been re-created after the likeness of God's Son from Heaven can have any hope of building a nation where righteousness and mercy meet, bringing forth true and lasting prosperity and security. Amen!

A Watchman,

Consider: Gen. 3:16, 1 Cor. 11:3, 1 Tim. 2:12-14, 1 Cor. 14:34

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