Hey America:
Almost every time the English word fornication is found in the Bible it springs directly from the Greek word PORNEIA, and is given this definition in the Strong's Exhaustive concordance: HARLOTRY, (INCLUDING ADULTERY AND INCEST). I believe this definition includes all sexual actions that are contrary to the commands of the Lord our Creator. Although it appears that the most common usage of the term is concerning the sexual activity of unmarried people.
In a generation that has been so affectively brainwashed by the doctrine of evolution many of us have obviously lost conviction concerning the truth that God is our Creator and henceforth our Master, therefore, having every right to command the behavior in us that He created us to live out.
- Jesus gave fornication as the only reason a husband could divorce a wife. (Mat. 19:9)
- The early Church Elders in their deliberation as to what commandments should be put upon new Gentile believers said that they must “abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication....? (Acts 15:20)
- The Apostle Paul said those that commit fornication (among other sins) shall not inherit God's kingdom. (1 Co. 6:11)
Why then is this sin so hated by God our Creator and Redeemer?
It is because mankind is the highest of the creation of God. It is mankind that was made after the very image of God, and after the image of His purpose. (Gen. 1:26-27 & Rev. 4:11) In simple words, God created the male and the female as natural representations of very important and eternal truths. The man was made to represent God, the woman was made to represent the Church, or the individual believer. The sexual expression of the husband and the wife is to be a continual expression of the eternal and spiritual intercourse that the Lord has with those that are His. For all that are born of the Spirit have received Christ as the HUSBAND of their spirit. So to fornicate is to live out a slanderous testimony that suggests that God has intimate relations with those that have not entered into a covenant relationship with Him (been saved) This is a lie! God is only the HUSBAND of the spirit of those that have received the salvation of Christ, walking after His ways. (1Co.6:17 & Eph. 5:22-23) Beyond this truth, fornication also extremely disrupts the peace and order of life for men kind in this present life, causing much confusion and loss. For this reason also it is hated of God. For He seeks life and blessing for all His creation.
This is why Satan from the beginning has encouraged men and women to throw off restraint and to fornicate. For He knows that such action is an outright lie against the truth. It is a slanderous testimony of the Lord, and of true believers. The end of this life is DEATH. (Rev. 22:12-16) Jesus said that those that know and live the truth will find life. (John 8:32)
Repentance, which means to turn from sin to seek and serve the Lord, is the only door to life for those who practice fornication.
A Watchman
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