Friday, February 6, 2009

Was The 9/11 Twin Towers Destruction A Foreign Terrorist's Act, Or That Of Our Own Government?

Hey America:

The world lies under the sway of the wicked one.” (1 John 5:19 NKJV) But our national fathers established this nation to be a “Christian” nation, a “nation under God”, we were not birthed as a people to be an irreligious people, therefore how can this be? The answer is quite simple. We as a people have given way to some very fundamental lies for a goodly amount of time. Therefore confusion abounds, and the judgment that should spring forth from wisdom and righteousness is just about non-existent.

  • The doctrine and practice of humanism-supposing that man's wisdom is greater then God's, thereby influencing men to live according to their own dictates, versus God's laws.

  • The doctrine and practice of evolutionism-supposing that the creation “happened” into existence.

  • The doctrine and practice of feminism-supposing that the man and the woman are equal in regards to headship.

  • The doctrine and practice of socialism which works to deny men the personal and individual sovereignty that is a God given right and calling.

  • The lies that deny that this nation was birthed by God at the hand of our national forefathers which were mostly consecrated, God fearing individuals.

  • The promotion of the doctrine and practice of what is called “Separation of Church and State”-Which proposes that all Christian influence should be denied a place in civil life, and our local and national institutions.

Essentially the MYSTERY OF INIQUITY (the evolution of the workings of sin and its confusion) in modern America in the last 100 plus years has gone like this: Humanism (the mindset in man to rule himself without God) birthed the doctrine and practice of Evolutionism. (The doctrine and practice that man was created by accident and therefore his own master, therefore not subject to the law of an Almighty Creator) Evolutionsim gave way to twin sisters, which are Socialism and Feminism. These work to destroy Divine Order. (the order of headship: God-Christ-Man-Woman...or in regards to governmental issues: God-Christ-Man-Constitution-Government-Case and Statue Law) One in reference to Man's ruler ship with the home and family, the other, Man's ruler ship within the context of government. These spirits (mindsets, or ideologies) have given way to what has been called Liberalism. (where any thing goes) The practice of Liberalism is responsible for exceeding many vices that grip our American people, among which are: the modern divorce rate-modern teen sex rate and fornication at large-the modern explosion of pornography-many paying 50% or more of their income to taxes-50% of our youth refusing to marry-40 million plus legalized abortions-our prisons filled to capacity, the 9-11 attack on the Twin Towers, the government leading us into a war with Iraq when we were told they were a “terrorist nation” and had weapons of mass destruction, the which has been established as an outright lie.

Why are all these perversions of truth possible? We have loved our own way. Henceforth God has given this nation over to lies and this will continue until such time as we decide to repent and turn to Him, or we are destroyed as a people. One modern and very great perversion of truth is what is called 9-11-The Destruction Of The Twin Towers. The following statements when examined by any reasonable mind will easy prove that the destruction of the twin towers was a demolition job, and not the result of the fires caused by the crashing of jet planes into each tower. Each of these statements can be investigated in depth at


  • Destruction proceeds through path of greatest resistance at nearly free-fall acceleration

  • Improbable symmetry of debris distribution

  • Extremely rapid onset of destruction

  • Over 100 first responders reported explosions and flashes

  • Multi-ton steel sections ejected laterally 600ft at 60 mph

  • Mid-air pulverization of 90,000 tons of concrete & metal decking

  • Massive volume of expanding pyroclastic-like clouds

  • 1200-foot-dia. Debris field: no “pancaked” floors found

  • Isolated explosive ejections 20-40 stories below demolition front

  • Total building destruction: dismemberment of steel frame

  • Several tons of molten iron found under all 3 high rises

  • Evidence of thermite incendiaries found in steel & dust samples

  • FEMA steel analysis: sulfidation, oxidation & intergranular melting

  • No precedent for steel-framed high-rise collapse due to fire


  • Slow onset with large visible deformations

  • Asymmetrical collapse which follows the path of least resistance (laws of conservation of momentum would cause a falling, intact, from the point of plane impact, to the side most damaged by the fires)

  • Evidence of fire temperatures capable of softening steel

  • High-rise buildings with much larger, hotter, and longer lasting fires have never “collapsed”

Now, what could the motivation of this barbaric act be, and who is responsible? I lay the blame at the doors of offices in high places, starting with our former President, Mr. Bush. Their obvious willingness to cover up the act, and place the blame on others is the first proof of their guilt. What was, and is their motivation? I think it has been far more than money for the key players, although certainly the love of money played a part in the willingness of those that participated as both engineers and mechanics. I say it was this. Desiring to bring forth a One World System hysteria was created to influence the American people to surrender their sovereignty as individuals to the government, who as our “big brother” offers “security” in place of our individual rights. So that eventually we can be brought to the place where we are willing to surrender not only our personal rights but also our national sovereignty in lieu of a One World Order which will promise security and prosperity.

So America, what do we do? The first and great step for every man among us is not complicated, yet it is the greatest step any man can take. It is that we must man by man, humble ourselves and admit our sin before the Living God through the Lord Jesus Christ, admitting before Him that He alone is Master, and that He alone has the answer for our individual lives and the life and destiny of this nation. Until we are willing to do this our efforts will not add up to anything. For we individually or collectively are no match for Satan, who seeks to destroy every man, and every nation that maintains himself, or itself, by God's law and the salvation of Christ Jesus. Our National fathers brought forth a nation which was dedicated to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, where His law and salvation were to reign supremely. Do we now think we can maintain this nation without the same consecration of devotion and faith? In fact, let us all the more look to the Bible for the true answer, and it is found in the vision of life for nations as is written in Revelations 11:15, (NKJV)“Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in Heaven saying, “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever.”” America, there are only two sources of all power: God or the Evil One. You must make your choice which you will give yourself to, and whose purpose you will pursue.

A Watchman

Gregory A. DeHart

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