Sunday, September 21, 2008

Abortion in America--The Neglected Generation

Hey America:

Here’s a bit of verse I wrote, I suppose some will say Amen, and those that vote for murder will be angered. Nonetheless, here it is. I call it, The Neglected Generation:

One out of every three of them are hated by father and mother alike. Their chance of survival, to experience a breath of air, to see a sunrise, or the splendor of the night’s stars, is about thirty percent. They are a people who have few friends who will speak for them or even shed a tear concerning their plight. Rare is a prayer meeting held to their benefit. Numerous preachers would never consider taking up their cause. Many politicians are afraid to fight for their well being, thinking that to do so would make them unpopular, therefore they could lose their chance at a long, lucrative, popular career. For some reason they haven’t related to foreign aid, and their extinction has been some of our president’s most earnest endeavors. In fact, the American Supreme Court ruled them worthy of death. They are butchered in the worst ways. Many of the most newly detected and youngest of these, our American enemies, being yet fourteen weeks of age are attacked with suction machines. The aggressor invades their homes and literally uses a suction device to rip them apart, then suctioning all traces of them away. All that remains is a small pile of fleshy mush which the aggressor can conveniently flush down the toilet in no different manner than if he were flushing his own dung away. Others are attacked with the sword - a loop shaped knife which the aggressor (who happens to be a medical doctor, who, in his or her hypocrisy forgets that he or she was sworn to save life not destroy it) uses to chop the wee one into manageable, extractable pieces. The now lifeless parts being taken from their place of origin to be discarded in perhaps a trash can or a city dumpster. The which, in reality has become a mass grave for the many who are daily slaughtered. It is very rare that one of these innocents would be afforded the decency of a burial, and still less common is a tombstone or even a wooden cross placed over their resting place. For truly it would be thought impossible to build a tombstone over city sewage systems or garbage facilities in our many American cities. For most of these innocents find their place of burial either flushed down the toilet, or thrown in a dumpster. After sixteen weeks the aggressors begin to use chemicals from their arsenal of weapons. The innocents are flooded with a salt solution until they are burned to death. The Innocent's dead body is ejected from its home in a manner very similar to what would naturally occur some short time later. Of course in the latter event, the infant would be issued forth unto life and honor, if, of course, the innocent would by chance of fortune be wanted and allowed to live. However, occasionally the aggressor is not successful in killing the innocent with the chemical weapon. In this case the innocent is allowed to come forth into the world, almost always to be laid down on a table without care, medical aid or nourishment, and left to die. There are other unfortunates who have grown larger still. The door of whose home is again craftily enlarged after which they are grabbed with pliers and pulled live from their supposed place of safety, until only the Innocent's head is not through the door. A challenge arising in that the Innocent's head is larger than the door in which it must pass through. But, hey! no problem! . . The technician simply cuts a hole in the back of the Innocent's head and sucks out his or her brains. The head, now being imploded, can be easily withdrawn from its home. Still other aggressors would favor the pill that kills. Less messy and no surgical procedure is involved. That is if all goes as hoped.

Who are these people, these innocents? Who are their aggressors, and where is the place of the continual murder? The innocents are the American unborn children. The murderers are the American public that allows and promotes such destruction to continue. The place of murder is of course what should be the safest of all places, the mother’s womb. Our political system, and many other leaders are chief in promoting the massacre...over forty million legal murders to date. Jesus will come to you, America, as Savior or as make the choice. If you would but humble yourself, cry out to Him, turn from your wickedness and seek good, He would come to you as a healer and a forgiver. If you do not, He will surely destroy you. Come now, Let us reason together, says the Lord, though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they be red as crimson, they shall be white as wool. If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the best of the land; but if you resist you will be devoured by the sword. (Isaiah 1:18-20)

A Watchman

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